When designing any structure, architects must consider the materials that will be used to turn that vision into a reality. Not only do you need materials that perform well and are structurally sound, but you must also consider material costs and labour budgets.
Outdoor panelling is emerging as one of the most useful building materials for a wide range of projects. It enhances aesthetics, improves the energy efficiency of the completed building, and offers the type of structural integrity that makes it a practical choice.
In addition, these prefabricated panels are much easier to work with than traditional multi-component materials, allowing builders to reduce labour costs and the time it takes to complete the build.
This guide will explain how to incorporate outdoor panels into your designs to guarantee durable results and long-lasting performance. We’ll also highlight some of the best options on the market today.
Planning Outdoor Panelling
Here’s a basic step-by-step breakdown of how you can plan to incorporate outdoor panels into your design:
1. Assess Environmental Conditions
Consider the indoor and outdoor environmental conditions of your build. These include moisture levels, wind intensity, UV exposure, and temperature changes. Understanding these conditions will help you choose the right type of outdoor panel for your build.
Areas prone to high humidity levels, like agricultural buildings, require moisture-resistant panels, while buildings constructed in areas with intense sun exposure require materials that can withstand UV rays.
You must also consider how the structure will perform its intended purpose. For example, a cold storage facility will require energy-efficient panels that provide built-in insulation, especially if the building is being constructed in a warm climate.
2. Choose Panels That Can Last
While outdoor panels are a great option, it’s important to remember that their quality differs. Choose panels constructed from materials that offer the perfect balance between strength and performance.
Fire-rated panels and metal-faced insulated options tend to be durable enough for exterior applications. Remember, constructing the building is just the first step; it also needs to withstand the physical wear of regular use and harsh outdoor weather conditions.
3. Consider Fire Protection and Thermal Performance
Panels with inherent insulating properties can play essential roles in helping to regulate indoor temperatures and reducing energy costs. Fire-rated panels can offer enhanced safety for buildings with a high risk of fires.
Selecting panels with the right characteristics for your needs should always be a top priority.
4. Consider Panel Design and Ease of Installation
Beyond durability and performance, it’s always a good idea to choose panels that can be customized to meet the design requirements of your build.
The best outdoor panels are available in customizable colours, textures, and profiles, allowing you to blend aesthetic value with practical requirements. These high-quality panels are also designed to be incredibly easy to work with, simplifying the entire construction process.
Installing Outdoor Panelling
While each type of panel has slightly different installation requirements, most can be installed using the same basic steps:
Step 1: Prepare the Site
Outdoor panels must be installed on clean, stable surfaces to avoid warping or misalignment. Ensure the surface where the panel will be installed is free from debris and uneven mounting points.
Step 2: Follow the Installation Instructions
Since the best panels use interlocking systems and concealed fasteners, it’s important that you follow the correct installation instructions to guarantee the performance and appearance of the finished project.
Step 3: Account for Material Expansion
Outdoor panels can expand and contract with temperature changes, so it is important to align them correctly. Follow the instructions closely when mounting the panels to reduce the likelihood of visible irregularities.
The Main Benefits of Outdoor Panels
When chosen and installed correctly, outdoor panels can be more durable than traditional materials, significantly more energy efficient, and far easier to work with. On top of that, high-quality materials like PVC and coated steel have minimal upkeep requirements, helping to extend their lifespan and reduce maintenance costs.
With all of that said, the advantages outdoor panels provide are not guaranteed if you work with low-quality panels from a less reputable manufacturer.
Recommended Outdoor Paneling Solutions
Architects and builders can achieve outstanding results by choosing high-quality outdoor panels. Below are some of the best options for different applications:
Rockwall Fire Rated & Insulated Panels
Rockwall Fire Rated Panels are crafted with a mineral fibre core called “Conrock,” which offers unparalleled fire resistance and thermal performance.
These panels are ideal for projects with high fire safety requirements, including industrial and commercial buildings. Available in 1, 2, or 3 hours of fire resistance, they can meet the exact needs of your project.
ISOWALL Insulated Wall Panels
ISOWALL Wall Panels feature a lightweight, high-performance EPS insulated foam core that delivers a 4.1 R-value for superior thermal performance. They are also available in various finishes, are easy to install, and are CFIA-approved for sanitary standards.
These panels are perfect for projects that prioritize energy efficiency, such as cold storage facilities, industrial kitchens, and agricultural buildings.
Final Words
Outdoor panelling is becoming a go-to solution for a wide range of architectural projects. The panels combine functionality with durability, making them a practical and budget-friendly building material. Assess the unique needs of your design, then choose the right panels for the job.
For flawless results, consider Rockwall Fire Rated Panels and ISOWALL Insulated Panels. If you’re unsure what you need or just want to discuss the needs of your project and request samples, reach out to us today: