Rockwall ™ Specifications

ROCKWALL™ panels provide the highest Fire Resistance Rating of any fire rated panel on the market. Rockwall core is non-combustible with a melting point of 2150°F (1177°C). In addition to possessing fire-stopping properties, the core does not smoke or promote flame spread when exposed to fire. Our panel meets most current limiting distance standards and building envelope performance criteria stipulated in Canadian building codes. ROCKWALL™ panels have been tested per the following Intertek Standards


Note 1: The wall panel assembly that achieved the air, water and win load ratings described above used silicone sealant around the perimeter and every vertical joint between panels. Refer to Intertek Design Listing SPI-FWPA 180-01 for steel girt placement when fire resistance rating is required.

Note 2: The ultimate loads achieved by each Rockwall panel configuration text for ASTM E72 transverse load are as described below.


Source: Warnock Hersey Mark Directory – Intertek Certification

Panel Properties


Panel Weights

26 gauge- 0.018 +/- .002 : 251/2 gauge- .019 : 25 gauge- 0.021 +/- 0.003
Dead load = 2.948psf + 2.948psf + 10.861 psf/panel coverage
SPI panel coverage= 3.9


ROCKWALL sandwich panels are a light fire wall but a heavy insulating panel. The core is much heavier than the EPS cores normally associated with sandwich panels. Vacuum lifters assist with installation.